In this episode of the Moving the Metal podcast, hosts Brooke Conkle and Chris Capurso delve into the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This report responds to the CFPB’s request for information to aid in preparing its annual report to Congress. The episode provides an overview of the FTC’s enforcement activities and regulatory efforts over the past year, emphasizing the agency’s focus on protecting consumers from deceptive practices in the financial services and automotive industries. Key points discussed include the purpose of the report, the FTC’s authority, a review of some litigation highlights, and how the CARS rule fits into the equation.

In this episode, Brooke Conkle and Chris Capurso delve into the topic of refinancing and its impacts on the auto finance industry. They are joined by special guest Jason Cover, who provides insights and education on retail installment contracts, loans, and the impact of refinancing programs. Jason, a partner in the firm’s Philadelphia office, routinely counsels providers of consumer financial services, including banks, licensed lenders, and fintech providers, on regulatory compliance matters and government supervisory and enforcement matters. He also regularly offers guidance on electronic payments and payment network rules; electronic contracting and mobile commerce; UDAAP statutes prohibiting unfair, deceptive, and abusive acts and practices; and the CFPB’s Rule on Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost installment Loans (Payday Rule).

In this episode of Moving the Metal, Troutman Pepper attorneys Brooke Conkle and Chris Capurso discuss the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) new report on negative equity in auto lending. This report, the first of its kind, utilizes data from the CFPB’s 2023 Auto Finance Data Pilot, which was issued to major banks, finance companies, and captive lenders. Brooke and Chris analyze the impact of the report, including what the report may indicate for the bureau’s upcoming priorities.

In this inaugural episode of Moving the Metal, Troutman Pepper attorneys Brooke Conkle and Chris Capurso examine the major requirements of the FTC’s proposed CARS Rule. After a refresher on the rule’s requirements, Brooke and Chris discuss the current status of the litigation surrounding the rule, including a discussion of the briefs and data submitted by the FTC and the trade groups fighting the rule. Tune in as Brooke and Chris look under the hood to examine the FTC’s fine print and where the rule currently stands in the courts, helping your auto finance company avoid regulatory pitfalls.