In the first installment of a two-part Payments Year in Review series, Keith Barnett, Carlin McCrory, and Josh McBeain delve into the payments landscape of 2023 and share their predictions for 2024.
Our co-hosts discuss the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposed rule to supervise “larger participants” in the market for general-use digital consumer payment applications. They also examine the CFPB’s report on complaints about payment app fraud, their statements on add-on fees and fees associated with requests for account information, as well as their efforts to reduce credit card late fees. Not to be left out of the party, they also discuss the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) proposed new rule aimed at prohibiting “junk fees.” This is a can’t miss episode for anyone looking to catch up on federal payments issues in 2023.
Transcript: 2023 Payments Year in Review: CFPB and FTC Regulatory Trends (PDF)
More information about 2023 regulatory developments can be found in our 2023 Payments Year in Review.