We are pleased to announce that Troutman Sanders attorney, David Anthony, will be presenting during the CDIA Law & Industry Conference in Washington, DC on June 17, 2020. David will be a presenting on the panel, “The Changing Dynamics of Litigation & Enforcement.”

This panel will explore leading FCRA developments, including key litigation and regulatory actions and trends. Topics include:

  • Appellate court decisions that defined the contours of a “consumer reporting agency,” as well as the obligations of a consumer reporting agency to verify furnisher reporting;
  • The Ninth Circuit’s decision in Ramirez v. TransUnion, in which the Ninth Circuit addressed class member standing and made important pronouncements regarding accuracy claims and punitive damages;
  • The Eleventh Circuit’s decision in the Williams v. First Advantage background screening case, which likewise made a number of statements regarding the contours of “reasonable” procedures under the FCRA and the standards for awarding punitive damages;
  • The Ninth Circuit’s decision in Moran v. The Screening Pros, which addressed important limitations regarding when the time period(s) foe calculating the “age” of offenses for reporting periods commences;
  • Numerous district court decisions addressing consumer disputes, reporting, file disclosures, and age-based reporting restrictions;
  • The CFPB’s enforcement action Sterling Infosystems for violations under the FCRA, which provides valuable insight into regulator thinking; and
  • The CFPB Supervisory Highlights and December 2019 Joint Workshop with the FTC, which provided detailed insight into the issues the agency is actively monitoring.

For additional information and registration, please visit the CDIA website.