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Just about every week, there’s a reminder that cybersecurity remains important. But that doesn’t mean that many are taking it as seriously as they should. In the past month alone, Legaltech News has reported surveys that note how law firms are not adopting proper cyber protocols, companies haven’t mitigated third party risks, and attorneys are  vulnerable to biometric, cloud and phishing attacks. This isn’t just a U.S. problem either.

Meanwhile, the focus on privacy seems to be ever increasing. Sometimes, it’s a renewed focus on privacy regulations following the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. Other times, it’s a matter of court cases, like the U.S. Supreme Court’s Carpenter v. U.S. ruling. But in general, maybe it’s just public awareness, as consumers in both the U.S. and abroad become increasingly aware of how their personal data is used.


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