On November 6, Arizona governor Doug Ducey signed an executive order making Arizona the most recent state to adopt a “ban the box” law. The state joins Pima County and Tucson – Arizona localities that have already joined the “ban the box” movement.
Under the new policy, state agencies will delay questions related to an employment applicant’s criminal record until after the initial stages of interviewing (i.e., until an applicant has submitted an application and received an initial interview).
Gov. Ducey deemed the new law the “The Second Chance” order. “All Arizonans, no matter their background or past mistakes, deserve a chance to make a living and a better life for themselves and their families,” he remarked. “If you served your time and paid your debt to society, you should have the opportunity for a real second chance.”
The Governor’s Office estimates that 1.5 million Arizonans have a criminal past, and studies show that past criminal convictions reduce a job applicant’s chances of receiving a second interview by fifty percent. Gov. Ducey’s announcement touted the order as having the potential to save taxpayer resources and of boosting the state’s economy.
Troutman Sanders will continue to monitor these developments and provide any further updates as they are available.