We are pleased to announce that Troutman Pepper attorney, David Gettings, will be presenting during the Mortgage Bankers Association Regulatory Compliance Conference 2021 in Washington, D.C.. Mortgage compliance professionals will have the perfect opportunity to hear first-hand from the regulators and policy makers that make the rules as well as get practical advice to meet today’s compliance challenges. Attendees will have an opportunity to be with peers and confront shared challenges together toward a better outcome.

Dave will be speaking during the FCRA Roundtable: Emerging Trends and Developments on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.. This presentation will look at the trends in FCRA litigation including: (i) emerging CARES Act complaints under the FCRA; (ii) the development and challenge of pay status/pay rating litigation; and (iii) the continued barrage of ID Theft/Fraud claims. The panel will examine the latest decisions on these and other FCRA topics and discuss possible strategies to defend against these cases.

For additional information and registration, please visit the MBA website.