We are pleased to announce that Troutman Sanders attorneys Ethan Ostroff and Ashley Taylor will be presenting during the 14th Annual Credit Grantor Consortium at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown, Washington DC. CCN Consortium will focus heavily on trending topics in credit reporting, including a bankruptcy update, TCPA, politics within the collection industry and an economic update. Ethan will be presenting on a panel discussing, “TCPA, FCRA and all the other letters,” on August 27 at 3:00 pm. Ashley will be presenting on a panel discussing, “State Rules and Regulations,” on August 27 at 4:00 pm.

Attendees will:

  • Gain valuable tips and advice in working with Consumers
  • Discuss and learn top issues that are happening now within the economy
  • Network with highly talented individuals in the legal and legislative department
  • Stay up-to-date with ongoing credit reporting and regulatory compliance within TCPA

To register or obtain additional information, visit the CCN website.