We are pleased to announce that Troutman Sanders attorneys David Anthony, Cindy Hanson and Ronald Raether will be panelists for a NAPBS webinar titled, “Updates, a Case Study & Legal Developments in Background Screening.”

The webinar will discuss recent case studies and case law developments that are currently affecting the background screening industry. The webinar discussion will include an update on Spokeo, Inc. and the effects of the decision by the United States Supreme Court that occurred almost two years ago; and the amicus brief filed in January of this year will also be included in discussion on behalf of NAPBS. NAPBS supports Spokeo, Inc.’s second petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court and will be discussed.

The new petition has requests that will make the U.S. Supreme Court revisit its prior ruling and add clarity and justification to the divergence in lower court rulings over the past two years. The panelists that have been chosen to speak will provide their own overview of relevant cases with implications for employers and businesses in the background screening industry.