Photo of Anna Jane Zarndt

In December, Judge Robert D. Mariani denied Navient’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ruling that the suit is not pre-empted by a similar case filed against the company by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  In the suit, the Commonwealth seeks to hold Navient liable for student loan collection activity

On December 14, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California dismissed a proposed Telephone Consumer Protection Act class action against Agoda Company Pte., ruling that the subject text message was not an advertisement for Agoda’s app.

Agoda runs a worldwide hotel reservation service that customers can use through the company’s website or

Early this month, in Smith v. Rite Aid Corporation, 2018 WL 5828693 (W.D.N.Y. Nov. 7, 2018), the district court declined to rule that pharmacy prescription reminder calls come within the statutory emergency purposes exception to Telephone Consumer Protection Act restrictions, causing some uncertainty as to whether health care notifications may be sent via text

On Friday, October 26th the Ninth Circuit upheld the Central District of California’s dismissal of plaintiff Jalen Epps’s First Amended Complaint for Earth Fare, Inc.’s alleged violation of the TCPA and California’s Unfair Competition Law. Epps is considered an “Opt-Out evader”—she has multiple suits pending against retailers with identical allegations. She consents to receiving text

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced in mid-July that it conducted the first compliance sweep of car dealerships since the effective date of its revised Used Car Rule requiring the use of a new Buyer’s Guide sticker. The sweep occurred between April and June 2018 in 20 cities nationwide. The FTC partnered with 12 agencies

While the world eagerly awaits the D.C. Circuit’s forthcoming ruling on the proper interpretation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), a recent federal court ruling imposing tens of millions of dollars of liability is a reminder of the risks associated with outbound calling activities and of the stakes at play in the ACA International